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Byte Conversion Calculator

Created by Piotr Małek
Reviewed by Bogna Szyk and Jack Bowater
Last updated: Jun 02, 2023

Byte conversion allows for quick conversion between digital information units.

Byte conversion is a simple tool that helps you quickly convert between units of digital information. This calculator coverts over 20 units, starting with very common megabytes or bites and including also rare units such as exbibytes or tebibits.

Byte conversion is often used in estimating file size - make sure to check out our video file size calculator!

Most common conversions

The most basic unit of digital data measurement is a bit, 8 of which equal a byte. Byte-based values are commonly used when describing the capacity of drives, storage spaces or the sizes of files. Data unit conversion is very simple when using bytes as you simply add/remove specific number of zeros to get the correct value. While byte is very tiny, kilobyte equals 1000 bytes and a megabyte (1MB) is the same as 1,000,000 bytes (or 8,000,000 bits). A gigabyte (1GB) is equal to a further 1,000 MBs while 1TB is 1,000GB. Check out our bandwidth calculator to find out how much time will it take to download a file or how fast your connection is. We have many more tech and electronics calculators like this 3d printing cost calculator.

Piotr Małek
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