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Percentage of a Percentage Calculator

Created by Mateusz Mucha and Piotr Małek
Reviewed by Jack Bowater
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

Percentage of percentage allows you to multiply % by % and get the result.

The percentage of a percentage calculator will multiply one percentage by a second percentage to get the cumulative value. It will also take an original value and calculate a new value after the first percentage is applied and then a final value after the second percentage is applied.

For example, suppose the first percentage is 25 and the second is 33. The calculator will compute (0.25)(0.33) = .0825 or 8.25%. Now applying this to numbers, suppose the original number is 10, take 10 * 0.25 = 2.5, now multiply 2.5 by 0.33 to get 0.825.

The user of the calculator can also enter the original value, value after first percent and final value and the percentages will be calculated.

If you liked our calculator and want to learn further, for example, how to calculate percent error, make sure you check our other calculators on percentages.


What are percentages?

A percentage is a concept we use to describe a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often used because it is easier for us to think of a percentage of a certain size than the associated decimal number. We often express a percentage using the sign '%' or the abbreviations 'pct.', 'pct' and 'pc'. A percentage is a dimensionless number and has no unit.

How can I find the percentage of a percentage?

Finding the percentage of percentage may seem confusing, but just follow these steps:

  1. Divide each percentage by 100 to convert to decimal form, e.g. 80%/100 = 0.8, 35%/100 = 0.35.
  2. Multiply the decimals together: 0.8 × 0.45 = 0.36.
  3. Multiply by 100 if you want to return back to a percentage: 0.36 × 100 = 36%.

Can a percentage of a percentage exceed 100?

Yes, because either of the percentages or both can have high values, e.g., for 150% and 80% cumulative percentage will be 120%. In a mathematical sense, the percentage can be over 100% if you compare them with each other. However, when you are talking about a single thing, you can't get more than 100% of something.

What is the final value of 160 if the cumulative percentage is 8.75%?

The final value of 160 will be 14. Assume that first percentage is 25% and second is 35%, and then:

  1. Calculate the percentage of a percentage: (0.25)(0.35) = 0.0875 = 8.75%.
  2. Find a value of 160 after 1st percentage: 160 × 0.25 = 40.
  3. Multiply 40 by 0.35 to get the final value of 14.
  4. Or calculate 160 × 0.0875 = 14.
Mateusz Mucha and Piotr Małek
1st percentage
2nd percentage
Cumulative perc.
Percentage of a value
Original value
Value after 1st perc.
Final value
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