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Weight on Other Planets Calculator

Created by Piotr Małek
Reviewed by Steven Wooding and Jack Bowater
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

With this weight on other planets calculator, you can check how much you'd weigh if you landed on another planet within our Solar system.

One day we will be able to travel around the Solar System just like we travel abroad now. What will change however (except travel costs and time!) will be our weight on particular planets. Depending on where we land, we might weigh only a small fraction of what we weigh on Earth. Or if we choose to fly to Jupiter, we might get depressed and consider ourselves suddenly well overweight. Those will be some exciting times.

Our calculator can help you quickly figure out how much you would weigh on particular planets around Solar System (although Pluto is not considered a planet anymore, we included it here as we weigh very very little over there). Just insert your weight in any unit, and the tool will automatically return your weight on any other planet.

Differences are caused by the difference in gravitational force on each planet. Formulas are strictly based on Newton's Gravitational Law and the equation:

F = GMm/r²


  • F = gravitational force;
  • G = gravitational constant;
  • M = planet mass;
  • m = your mass; and
  • r = planet radius.

🙋 Our age on other planets calculator can help you determine your age using the rotational speeds of each planet within the Solar System.


How much would I weight on Mars if I am 75 kg?

Your weight on Mars would be 28.5 kg. To find this result:

  1. Measure your weight on Earth: W(Earth) = 75 kg.
  2. Measure the acceleration due to gravity on Mars's surface: g(Mars) = 3.73 m/s² and Earth's surface g(Earth) = 9.81 m/s².
  3. Multiply your weight on Earth by the ratio between g(Mars) and g(Earth):
    W(Mars) = W(Earth) × g(Mars)/(g(Earth) = 75 × 3.73/9.81 = 28.5 kg.

This vast difference will make flying from Mars to Earth easy as pie!

What is the difference between mass and weight?

Mass and weight are two different concepts, often used interchangeably; however, they are pretty different, and it's crucial to know the correct definition for both.

  • Mass is an intrinsic property of a body that describes the amount of matter inside it. Your mass is the same in all the universe.
  • Weight is a measurement of the force acting on a body in a gravitational field.

In interstellar space, far from any gravity source, your weight would be 0 while your mass would be the same as on Earth.

On which planet would I be the heaviest?

Jupiter. Thanks to its massive size (almost 320 more massive than Earth), the gravitational attraction of the gas giant is second only to the sun's. However, there's a problem: Jupiter has no surface where you can weigh yourself. Scientists define the acceleration due to gravity on Jupiter with its value on the planet's cloud top, where: g(Jupiter) = 2.34 g = 22.96 m/s². On Jupiter's cloud, you'd weigh more than twice what you weigh on Earth!

Does my weight change depending on my position on Earth?

Yes, slightly! At the poles, you'd weigh 1% more than at the equator. Contrary to what's commonly thought, this doesn't depend only on the fact that the poles are closer to the center of Earth than the equator but is also caused by the centrifugal force that is the strongest at the equator and zero at the poles. The centrifugal force acts against gravity, making you effectively lighter!

Piotr Małek
Your Weight
On Mercury
On Venus
On Mars
On Jupiter
On Saturn
On Neptun
On Uranus
On Pluto
On the Moon
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