Omni calculator
Davide Borchia

Davide Borchia

MD, some universityCalculatorian

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Physicist by education, scientist by vocation. He holds a master’s degree in complex systems physics with a specialization in quantum technologies. If he is not reading something, he is outdoors trying to enjoy every bit of nature around him. He uses his memory as an advantage, and everything you will read from him contains at least one “I read about this five years ago” moment!

Areas of expertise

  • birds

  • raccoons

  • stupid memes

  • physics or sth

  • 5

  • 66

  • 77

  • 888

  • 99

  • 10

  • 11


  • my uni 1faculty, years, phd,

  • my uni 2msc,

  • my uni 3bsc

Professional background and credentials

sfsdgfd fee long description here


sdsf -------- Led the Diamond Grant project “Properties of the molecular magnets with defects induced by a low energy ions irradiation” funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education --- --- 2. Led the MINIATURA 7 project “Quantum spin liquids in molecular magnet” funded by the Polish National Science Center. 3. Led the SONATINA 8 project “Quantum critical refrigeration in molecular materials” funded by the Polish National Science Center - Presented his work at over 25 international conferences specializing in magnetism. - Ph.D. thesis defended with distinction - Featured on the back cover of Dalton Transactions Issue 34, 2022 for the paper “Magnetic cooling: a molecular perspective”


  • Darwin award

  • dvabvrgd

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