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Ecology Calculators

25 calculators

You may think that this category is only for vegans, ecologists or nature lovers, but nothing could be further from the truth. Climate change and environmental degradation are one of the biggest threats of our times, which will affect each and every person. With these simple calculators, we're trying to increase the environmental awareness of the society. Wanna check how much plastic you produce every year or what's the carbon footprint of your recent flight? No problem. How about smog in your city? We'll tell you how many cigarettes you're "smoking" by merely living in an urban area. Little by little does the trick. The ecology calculators are here to encourage you to make your life a little greener! 🌿

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Eco footprint calculators ♻️

  • Bag Footprint Calculator
  • Christmas Tree Footprint Calculator
  • COVID-19 Waste Calculator
  • Cryptocurrency Footprint Calculator
  • Flight Carbon Footprint Calculator
  • Hand Drying Footprint Calculator
  • Kaya Identity Calculator
  • Meat Footprint Calculator
  • Plastic Footprint Calculator

Renewable energy calculators 🔋

  • Hydroelectric Power Calculator
  • Solar Panel Calculator
  • Wind Turbine Calculator

Sustainable living calculators 🌍💚

Other calculators

  • Carrying Capacity Calculator
  • CO₂ Breathing Emission Calculator
  • Fish Mercury Calculator
  • Lotka-Volterra Calculator
  • Passive House Savings Calculator
  • Shannon Diversity Index Calculator
  • Smog Calculator