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Cubic Feet to Gallons Converter

Created by Luciano Miño
Reviewed by Gabriela Diaz
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

With our cubic feet to gallons converter, you can easily switch between both volume units. With this tool, you will be able to convert cubic feet to gallons just by typing the volume in cubic feet in the converter.

In this short text, you will learn:

  • How to convert cubic feet to gallons;
  • Cubic foot and gallon definitions; and
  • Difference between US and UK gallons.

Cubic feet and gallons

Cubic feet (ft³ or cu ft) and gallons (gal) are both imperial/US volume units. What is volume exactly? In simple words, volume is the space an object occupies. We use volume units to measure, for example, the amount of water in a pool, a car's trunk size, amount of liquid inside a bottle, and several other things.

A foot is a unit of length equal to 12 inches or 30.48 cm. A cubic foot is the amount of space enclosed by a box with a 1 ft length of its sides.

Similarly, a US gallon is defined as 231 cubic inches or 231 times the amount of space a box with 1-inch sides occupies.

On the other hand a UK gallon is defined as 4.54609 cubic decimeters.

🙋 Are you having trouble understanding all these different definitions and units? Check Omni's volume conversion tool! It has all the explanations and examples you need to comprehend the subject thoroughly.

Equivalence between cubic feet and gallons

Since both are volume units, we can switch between them using a conversion factor which is just a number to indicate the proportion between one unit and another. In the case of cubic feet and gallons:

1 ft³=7.48052 US gal1 ft³=6.22884 UK gal1\ \text{ft³} = 7.48052\ \text{US gal}\\ 1\ \text{ft³} = 6.22884\ \text{UK gal}

We will need to multiply the volume by this number to convert from cubic feet to gallons or divide it by the same number to switch from gallons to cubic feet.

How do I convert cubic feet to gallons?

To convert cubic feet to gallons:

  1. Write down the volume expressed in cubic feet.
  2. Multiply this number by 7.48052 to convert to US gallons.
  3. Otherwise, multiply the volume in cubic feet by 6.22884 to convert to UK gallons.


How many gallons are 1.5 cubic feet?

1.5 cubic feet are 11.2208 US gallons or 9.34325 UK gallons. To convert 1.5 cubic feet to gallons, you need to multiply 1.5 by 7.48052 or 6.22884 if you want the result expressed in US or UK gallons respectively.

Is cubic foot a metric unit?

No, a cubic foot is not a metric unit. It is a US and Imperial system unit used to measure volume.

Luciano Miño
cu ft
US gal
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