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Pizza Size Calculator

Created by Bogna Szyk and Jacek Staszak
Reviewed by Jack Bowater
Last updated: Jun 02, 2023

Cutting pizza

In almost every city in the US and maybe in the entire world, you can find a pizzeria. Pizza conquered the whole world before the internet or cell phones had their first prototypes.

Pizza is the empire on which the sun never sets. Its firm crusts, sweet yet spicy tomato sauce and stretchy cheese are the foundation of any house party from Tokyo to London, New York to Sydney.

Everyone has their own favourite kind. Many love the look and taste of a fresh pepperoni pizza; its red meat slices sprinkled over hot, baked mozzarella. Others prefer veggies: spinach, onions, mushrooms, maybe some fresh peppers. There are even some people that put a pineapple on their pizza. And they love it.

We're all different, but we are all united under the banner of pizza. There are not many things in life that beat that warm feeling of a full, fresh box of yummy pizza on your lap, and the pizza party calculator might be a tool to help you enjoy your round meal!

Pizza calculator - how to measure value for money

But what pizza should you get? Most pizza places offer more than just one size. Everybody likes to have a choice. Some want just a small one, to make sure you'll eat everything in one sitting. On the other hand, others believe that less is more, unless it's pizza.

And they order the biggest one. And eat the crust.

We've developed a pizza calculator that helps everybody make the right choice. It's very simple - you just provide the diameter and price of a smaller and larger pizza. We calculate the true cost of an area of those pizzas, compare them and indicate which circle is cheaper. We mainly based on our tool called circle calc: find A.

Surprising, huh?

We did our own experiments (tasty experiments) - in most cases, our pizza calculator says that the larger pizza is cheaper. But life is like a box of pizza - always full of surprises (but mostly yummy ones). It's not often that you will be getting the worse deal.

Don't forget to leave a tip for your pizza! It's a good thing to share your joy with others. Our tip calculator will help you either share the bill equally or depending on number of eaten slices! Naturally, it will also tell you how much you should tip for your delicious meal.

What made pizza so great? Pizza fun facts

5 billion pizzas are ordered every year on planet Earth. It's not hard to guess why; pizza is easy to make, full of carbs and soul-satisfyingly delicious. 60% of those pies are sold in the U.S which makes America the biggest pizza empire in the world.

There are 70,000 pizzerias in the U.S, which means there is one pizzeria for every 4500 people. That's even more than the number of cities in America, at least according to the Census Bureau (19,354).

According to, every second Americans eat 350 slices of pizza. Most of those slices are eaten on Super Bowl Sunday when 58% of Americans order pizza. That's more than the turnout in 2016 presidential election!

Pizza size chart.

🔎 Have you already seen our popcorn calculator? It is a great tool for predicting how much popcorn you should prepare for meeting with friends!

Pizza's wonderful story

It all started, obviously, in Italy. For many years, pizza was the basic meal for poor citizens of Italy. What changed its status was a royal visit in Naples, the hometown of pizza.

After Italy's unification, King Umberto I and Queen Margherita visited the south of Italy in 1889. They wanted to eat something local. They visited a local pizzeria and, among the many options, they got one with tomatoes, mozzarella and fresh basil. The legend says the royal pair liked it because this pizza colours resembled the colours of the Italian flag.

So everyone started calling this pizza "margherita", after the Queen. This is where it all started; pizzerias began to be opened in almost every corner of Italy and wherever Italian emigrated.

Many Neapolitans went to the U.S. In 1905, the first pizzeria was opened in New York but it mainly attracted fellow Italians.

Pizza had to wait until after the World War II, after American soldiers tasted pizza on Italian soil, to become a universally acclaimed super-food.

And the world has not looked back since.

Taking a piece of pizza from

The biggest pizza in the world

Some say there is no such thing as a too big a pizza. If you won't eat it now, try microwaving it in the morning. But you might have problems with microwaving those behemoths that compete for the status of the biggest pizza ever made.

Quite possibly you'd need to have a microwave oven of the size of Michigan Stadium.

In 1987 Lorenzo Amato and Louis Piancone made a 10,000 square feet, the size of over two basketball courts, pizza in Havana, Florida. That pepperoni pizza was cut into over 94 thousand slices which fed over 30 thousand people.

Three years later in Johannesburg, South Africa a larger pizza was made from (literally) tons of flour, cheese, and tomato. It was round, not square like the one in Havana, and had a diameter of a whopping 123 feet and was, according to our pizza calculator, 11,825 sq ft big.

But in 2012, pizza went home. In Rome, Italy - the place where it all started - five men: Dovilio Nardi, Andrea Mannocchi, Marco Nardi, Matteo Nardi and Matteo Giannotte made something even better: a 13,580 square feet of cheesy, crusty and gluten-free awesomeness. That's right - gluten-free. Italians not only made an attempt at beating the Guinness World Record but also decided it promoted conscious diet.

It was a win for the Italians, healthy food, but most of all - it was a glorious day for pizza.

But some say that every day is great for hot, greasy and delicious pizza. We can't argue with that. By the way, if you're a person who uses microwaves to heat your pizza, the microwave wattage converter could be helpful to see the difference in heating time for microwaves with various power.

Taking pizza from a box
Bogna Szyk and Jacek Staszak
First things first
Do you eat the crust?
Smaller pizza
True cost
Toppings cover...
% of pizza
Larger pizza
True cost
Toppings cover...
% of pizza
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