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Ideal Weight Calculator

Created by Bogna Szyk, Rita Rain and Łucja Zaborowska, MD, PhD candidate
Reviewed by Jack Bowater
Based on research by
Pai MP, Paloucek FP. The origin of the "ideal" body weight equations; Annals of Pharmacotherapy; September 2000See 2 more sources
Shah B, Sucher K, Hollenbeck CB. Comparison of ideal body weight equations and published height-weight tables with body mass index tables for healthy adults in the United States.; Nutrition in Clinical Practice; June 2006Devine BJ. Gentamicin therapy. Drug Intelligence & Clinical Pharmacy; 1974
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

If you are really concerned about your health or your looks and want to know how much you should weigh, this ideal weight calculator is the tool for you. It will help you determine your ideal body weight based on your height and sex. Read on to learn the different formulas for calculating your IBW (ideal body weight) and how to interpret the results. We will also explain how to use the healthy weight chart, which is based on BMI.

How much should I weight?

There many many ways to estimate somebodies ideal weight. Truth be told, none of them is perfectly accurate, as there are a lot of factors influencing it. For example, for people with a lot of muscle mass (and high lean body mass), their ideal weight will tend to be more than indicated by the results they obtain.

Our ideal body weight calculator uses four different formulas to find your ideal weight, as well as giving you your BMI . While the four formulas listed below give you only one number that you should be aiming for, BMI gives you a certain weight range you should be in.

For men, the ideal weight calculator uses the following equations:

  • Robinson formula: 52 kg + 1.9 kg per every inch over 5 feet
  • Miller formula: 56.2 kg + 1.41 kg per every inch over 5 feet
  • Hamwi formula: 48.0 kg + 2.7 kg per every inch over 5 feet
  • Devine formula: 50.0 kg + 2.3 kg per every inch over 5 feet

For women, the ideal weight calculator uses the following equations:

  • Robinson formula: 49 kg + 1.7 kg per every inch over 5 feet
  • Miller formula: 53.1 kg + 1.36 kg per every inch over 5 feet
  • Hamwi formula: 45.5 kg + 2.2 kg per every inch over 5 feet
  • Devine formula: 45.5 kg + 2.3 kg per every inch over 5 feet

💡 Ideal weight is used to compute the dosing of different medicines, e.g., immunoglobulins.

Height weight chart and BMI

The last indicator of an individuals ideal weight is BMI, short for Body Mass Index. It is calculated according to BMI = weight/height². The optimal, healthy range for BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. Our ideal weight calculator converts this back into weight, presenting to you the range of appropriate weights for your height.

You can also take a look at a height-weight chart that shows the ranges of underweight, normal and overweight for various heights:

height weight chart

🙋 If your current weight falls into the ideal weight category, you may want to calculate your maintenance calories requirements.

Limitations of our IBW calculator

Remember that the values found with our ideal body weight calculator are not one hundred percent valid for all. As long as you are in the BMI normal weight range, you are fine - don't go on a strict diet just to reach that specific number!

Also, our IBW calculator is valid for adults only. Don't use it to find the proper weight range of kids - consult a specialist instead. Also, don't use it if you are pregnant. Use pregnancy weight gain calculator instead!


How to calculate ideal body weight in pounds?

To calculate your ideal body weight in pounds, you can use the modified Devine formula.

For men: 110.23 lb + 5.1 lb per every inch over 5 feet.
For women: 100.3 lb + 5.1 lb per every inch over 5 feet.

Which ideal body weight formula is the best?

The most medically validated ideal body weight formula is the Devine formula. Physicians use this formula to calculate the doses of certain drugs, such as levothyroxine or immunoglobulins.
Other formulas don’t differ that much from the Devine formula, and they were mainly designed trying to improve the original formula.

What is the ideal weight for a female?

To determine the ideal body weight for a female, you can use the Devine formula.

In kilograms:
45.5 kg + 2.3 kg for every inch over 5 feet

In pounds:
100.3 lb + 5.1 lb for every inch over 5 feet

For example, for a 5 ft 4-inch female, the ideal weight is 55 kg (121.25 lb).

Remember, this is only an estimation. There is no one universal weight for every woman your height, and this formula doesn't tell you if you should lose or gain weight. If you have concerns about your current body weight, talk to your physician.

What is the ideal weight loss for a month?

If you want to lose weight, you would probably love to do it as quickly as possible. But think a minute - you didn’t gain those extra pounds overnight, and the same way, they won’t go away overnight.

Doctors say the safe weight loss pace is around 0.25-0.5 kg (0.55-1.1 lb) per week. That means ideally, you should lose no more than 1-2 kg (2.2-4.4 lb) per month.

It might sound discouraging. But a slow, steady weight loss pace is the best way to lose weight without stress - and lose it permanently. Because you wouldn’t like the pound to get back to you, would you?

How do you calculate your ideal body weight?

To calculate your ideal body weight, you can use the Devine formula.

Devine formula for man:
50.0 kg + 2.3 kg for every inch over 5 feet

Devine formula for women:
45.5 kg + 2.3 kg for every inch over 5 feet

The Devine formula only requires your height. There are more ideal body weight formulas, but the Devine one is the most popular and the most validated.

Bogna Szyk, Rita Rain and Łucja Zaborowska, MD, PhD candidate
Current weight
Ideal weight according to:
Peterson formula (2016)
Miller formula (1983)
Robinson formula (1983)
Devine formula (1974)
Hamwi formula (1964)
Healthy weight based on BMI
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