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Mass to Density Calculator

Created by Krishna Nelaturu
Reviewed by Rijk de Wet
Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

This mass to density calculator is a simple tool to convert mass to density or density to mass if you know the object's volume. In this article, we shall briefly discuss:

  • What is density?
  • How to calculate density from an object's mass (or weight).
  • How to find mass given density and volume.

What is density?

The density of an object is the amount of mass per unit volume. We can express it as:

ρ=mV\rho = \frac{m}{V}


  • ρ\rho — The density of a substance;
  • mm — The mass (or weight) of the substance; and
  • VV — The volume of the substance.

Its SI unit is kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3\text{kg}/\text{m}^3), and imperial unit is pounds per cubic feet (lb/ft3\text{lb}/\text{ft}^3).

Using this equation, we can find:

  • The density of the object from its mass and volume;
  • The mass of the object from its density and volume; or
  • The volume of the object from its density and mass.

How to use this mass to density calculator

This mass to density calculator is easy to use and versatile. You can convert mass to density or density to mass, so long as you know the volume:

  • To find density, enter the object's mass and volume along with their units.
  • To find the mass with density and volume, enter the object's density and volume and their units.
  • If you need to calculate the volume of a cuboidal object at any step, simply use our Advanced mode option at the bottom left of the calculator, and enter its dimensions!


What is the density of the Earth?

5.514 g/cm3 or 0.1992 lb/in3. You can arrive at this answer through these steps:

  1. The mass of the Earth is 5.97237 ×1024 kg, and its volume is 1.08321 ×1012 km3.
  2. Divide the mass of the Earth by its volume to get its density, 5,514 ×10-9 kg/km3, which is equal to 5.514 g/cm3.
  3. Congratulations, you've calculated the mean density of the Earth!

How do you find mass from density and volume?

To find the mass of a substance with its density and volume, follow these steps:

  • Multiply the given density with the volume of the object.
  • The value we obtain in step 1 is the mass of the object. You can verify your answer using our mass to density calculator.
Krishna Nelaturu
cu ft
lb/cu ft
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